Yieldgate Grant Application

Project Description

This application follows our first, incorporating feedback provided by @bordumb.

Yieldgate is a platform to support projects and creators with yield. It’s the result of our team’s effort at ETHGlobal’s ETHAmsterdam 2022 Hackathon. The project became a finalist, winning the 1st prize from Aave, and receiving four more prizes from Coinbase, WalletConnect, Polygon, and ETHGlobal.

Supporters stake assets, creators claim the yield. Our long-term vision involves becoming the go-to platform for programmable yield, yield-gated content and no-loss payments, donations, investments (e.g. NFT minting), bug bounty pools, subscriptions, and DAOs.

Currently, Yieldgate is deployed on the Polygon Mumbai and Rinkeby testnets using Aave as the yield-generating protocol. Eventually, we’d like to offer an SDK and to develop integrations with a range of DeFi protocols and selected dapps (e.g. Radicle, Gitcoin, etc.). The Yieldgate code base is freely available under the MIT license.

Relevance to the Radicle ecosystem

We believe that Yieldgate can greatly benefit the Radicle ecosystem by providing additional income streams for open source projects on Radicle. We will develop multiple integrations with Radicle, starting with supporter badges within the context of this grant and deeper integrations, also regarding Drips, in follow-up grants and collaborations.


Within the scope of this grant we are going to

